
HSPS Logo.jpg

Admissions Criteria

The High School for Public Service is a screened school.  To apply to HSPS, students must rank HSPS on the NYC Department of Education High School application.


Transfer Students

For students who want to transfer from another school to HSPS, the first step is to visit a DOE Welcome Center.

Requirements For The Transfer Process

Requirements for the transfer process of out-of-state, out-of-city or NYC private schools include:

  • Both student and parent must be present

  • Student must have a birth certificate or a passport.

  • Student must bring an academic transcript.

  • Parent must bring proof of residence in New York City (a Con Edison or telephone bill).

For the transfer of ninth grade students in New York City into the tenth grade at HSPS:

For students who attend high school in New York City and want to apply to HSPS to enter in the 10th grade, the process is as follows. The student should request a High School admissions form from her/his current guidance counselor in the fall of the ninth grade year. After the form is completed and signed by the parent, the guidance counselor will send the form to the DOE.


Open House

HSPS offers many Open House opportunities to accommodate the schedule of parents, guardians, and other family members of prospective students. Click the button below to register for an Open House.